New Westminster City Dentist


New Westminster City Dentist

Periodontics in New Westminster

While your dentist is able to diagnose and treat an extensive range of dental problems, there may be situations when he may make a referral to a periodontist. A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in treating periodontal or gum disease. Gum disease can affect the gums and teeth and, when left untreated, may result in tooth loss.

Why Should I Go To a Periodontist?

Your dentist will usually only refer you to a periodontist if you have a serious dental issue. If you have a severe case of gum disease accompanied by bleeding gums, receding gums, loose teeth, or pain around your gums, your dentist will make a referral to a specialist. Your periodontist has a high level of training and is able to successfully treat advanced cases of periodontal disease.

Dental Implant Procedures

Periodontists are experts in dental implant procedures. They have experience with bone grafting and are able to fix either one or several implants if needed. Multiple implants are a more complex procedure that is best performed under the care of an experienced periodontist.

New Westminster City Dentist

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