New Westminster City Dentist

Dental Veneers in New Westminster

New Westminster City Dentist

Dental Veneers Near You

If you are looking to hide chipped, badly worn, or stained teeth at the front of the mouth, veneers might be a suitable choice for you. Veneers are cosmetic shells that are colour matched to the natural teeth and bonded to the front of the existing tooth. Veneers are not a permanent solution but can easily be replaced when needed.

What Are Veneers Made From?

Veneers can be made from porcelain, ceramic, and resin material. Resin-based veneers offer several advantages. The placement of these veneers requires less preparation for the tooth than other materials. While they look just as natural as other veneer materials, they are much less expensive and easier to fit. Resin veneers are formed by adding layers of composite material to the prepared tooth and then shaping and curing it with a special light.

Porcelain Veneers

When preparing the tooth for porcelain veneers, your dentist must ground down the front surface of the tooth to accommodate the veneer. Once this is done, your dentist will create a mould of the prepared tooth and send it to the dental lab to create the veneer. They will fix a temporary veneer to the front of your teeth until the customized porcelain veneer arrives from the lab. During the final step, your dentist will cement the veneer to the front of your teeth. 

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