New Westminster City Dentist

Restorative Dentistry in New Westminster

Restorative Dentistry Near You

Bridges, crowns, fillings, and bonding are all dental procedures that are used to protect decayed or damaged teeth. These procedures help to maintain the natural functioning of the teeth, maintain oral health, and improve the look of your teeth so that you can smile with confidence.

Dental Bonding

Dental Bonding

If you have minor tooth imperfections such as cracks, chips, or discoloration, your New Westminster dentist can help with dental bonding. This is a cost-effective solution to improve the look of your teeth. Your dentist will apply resin to the surface of the tooth and shape it to match the surrounding teeth. They will use ultraviolet light to harden the resin and then smooth it out for a natural look.

Dental Implants

Dental Implants

While bridges, crowns, and dentures are commonly used to replace decayed or missing teeth, these treatments are not permanent and must be replaced over time. Dental implants are a permanent solution that can be used to restore the natural look and functioning of the teeth. Your New Westminster dentist can help you with this kind of treatment.

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All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 dental implants are a new procedure used to replace lost or damaged teeth that your New Westminster dentist offers. They function much like removable dentures in that they can be used to replace one or several missing teeth. However, unlike removable dentures that require daily maintenance and are removed at night, all-on-4 implants are permanently fitted into place.

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Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges

When you have gaps in the teeth, the surrounding teeth can shift out of place. This results in misalignment of the teeth which can cause jaw problems over time. Dental bridges are commonly used to replace missing teeth in the mouth. Your New Westminster dentist can replace a missing tooth using a fake tooth held by two crowns attached to the adjacent teeth.

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Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings

If you get a cavity in one of your teeth, your dentist will recommend fillings. Fillings are used to prevent bacteria from entering the tooth and causing infection. It is important to treat cavities as and when they arise, as dental decay can spread and affect a greater portion of the tooth. If an infection infiltrates the pulp, your New Westminster dentist will have to perform a more intensive procedure called a root canal.

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Inlays & Onlays

Inlays & Onlays

While your New Westminster dentist will often use composite fillings to treat cavities in the teeth, there are situations where they will use either an inlay or an onlay to restore the look of the tooth. If decay is present between the cusps of the tooth, your dentist will treat and fill the area using an inlay. However, if the decay affects only one cusp of the tooth, they will instead use an onlay.

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If you have missing teeth, there are several treatments that can be used to fill the gap. While bridges and crowns are common dental procedures, many patients opt for dentures as an alternative solution. These removable dental devices can be used to replace a single tooth or multiple teeth in the mouth. Your conveniently located New Westminster dentist can help you with this treatment.

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New Westminster City Dentist

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