New Westminster City Dentist

Dental Appliances in New Westminster

Dental Appliances Near You

Dental appliances are custom-fitted orthodontic and dental devices. Orthodontic dental devices are designed to improve the look and functioning of your teeth. Removable dental appliances such as night guards and mouth guards are used to prevent injury to your teeth. Dental appliances are custom-made and designed to be worn for only specific periods of the day.

Night Guards

Night Guards

Night guards are recommended for patients who grind their teeth at night. This unconscious grinding, gnashing, and clenching of the teeth can result in severely chipped and damaged teeth. Teeth grinding also leads to painful jaw disorders, including temporomandibular jaw disorder, which causes pain and headaches.



When you have undergone orthodontic treatment such as braces or aligner therapy, your dentist will recommend that you use a retainer at night to maintain the alignment of your teeth. They may suggest a clear plastic aligner that will sit over the upper teeth or a metal retainer that is connected to a plastic plate that sits against the roof of the mouth.

Sports Mouth Guards

Sports Mouth Guards

Sports mouthguards are recommended as a protective measure against the impact of blows against the teeth. They are commonly used by children and adults who partake in contact sports. While boil and bite sports guards are widely available, they are largely inferior to custom mouthguards which are custom-made for your mouth.

New Westminster City Dentist

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