New Westminster City Dentist

Invisalign & Clear Aligner Therapy in New Westminster

New Westminster City Dentist

Invisalign & Clear Aligner Therapy Near You

Clear aligner therapy is an orthodontic treatment that is used to straighten and align teeth. This newer technology is commonly used instead of traditional metal braces and is a gentler, less intensive method of straightening the teeth.

Am I a Candidate For Aligner Therapy?

Aligner therapy is often used to correct minor orthodontic problems such as underbite, overbite, cross-bite, crowded teeth, and crooked teeth. Your doctor will perform an oral exam to assess if you are a suitable candidate for clear aligner therapy.

Who Can Use Clear Aligner Therapy?

Clear aligner therapy is commonly used by teenagers and adults as an alternative to metal braces. The clear plastic trays that sit over the teeth are barely visible to the naked eye, so most people feel less self-conscious about how they look compared to patients who wear metal braces.

How Does Clear Aligner Therapy Work?

Clear plastic aligner trays are custom-made to fit securely over your teeth. They are shaped in such a way as to gently bring your teeth into alignment. Over the course of treatment, you will receive several sets of plastic aligners, each set designed to achieve a specific alignment correction.

We are a Platinum Invisalign® Provider

Dr. Chris Lee is a Platinum Invisalign Provider, which is because of his level of education and experience with Invisalign. Learn More.

New Westminster City Dentist

What Is Invisalign?


What Is The Invisalign Treatment Process?

Step 1

The treatment process will begin with a consultation with your dentist. They will evaluate your smile and identify the areas that are misaligned. They will then take a 3D image of your teeth using an iTero digital scanner. They will show you what your smile could look like using an Outcome Simulator. If you decide that clear aligner therapy is right for you, these scans will be sent to the dental lab to create your first set of aligner trays.

Step 2

For the next step, you will return to your dentist and receive your first set of customized aligner trays. You will be instructed to change each set every week and then return to your dentist after two to three months. 

Step 3

Each time you return to the dental clinic, your dentist will assess the results of the alignment, and a new set of aligners will be prepared for you. 

How Long Does Treatment Take?

The length of your treatment will depend on the severity of the misalignment. Most treatments take anywhere from 6 months to a year, but results will be visible within a few weeks.

What Are the Benefits of Clear Aligner Therapy Over Metal Braces?

What Are Metal Braces?

Metal braces are made from stainless steel bands, brackets, and wires which are permanently fitted to your teeth for the duration of the treatment. Over time, your dentist will tighten the metal braces, forcing your teeth into alignment.

How Do Metal Braces Feel in the Mouth

Metal braces can cause pain to the wearer for the first few days after they are fitted to the teeth. The metal wires also rub against the cheeks which can cause some discomfort.

How Do They Look?

Metal braces are easily seen and can cause the wearer to become self-conscious. While metal braces are a common treatment for children, they are not popular with adults.

Are There Any Dietary Restrictions?

When you wear metal braces, there are many foods you are unable to eat as they may cause damage to the brace. These include chewy foods, crunchy foods, sticky foods, and hard foods.

Clear Aligner Therapy

How Do Clear Aligners Feel in The Mouth?

The plastic aligners are made from very soft plastic that is designed to sit comfortably in the mouth.

How Do Clear Aligners Look?

Due to the relatively invisible nature of clear plastic aligners, this therapy is preferred by the majority of teenagers and adults.

Are There Any Dietary Restrictions?

Because you are required to remove your clear aligners when you eat, you don’t have to worry about avoiding any types of food.

Do I have To Wear the Aligners All Day?

We recommend that you wear your clear plastic aligners for at least 22 hours each day to get the best results. You should sleep with the aligners on and remove them only briefly during mealtimes.

How Should I Take Care Of The Aligners?

In order to take care of your aligners, you should:

  • Brush them thoroughly with a toothbrush and toothpaste at least twice a day
  • Rinse your aligner and your mouth after meals so that food doesn’t sit on the aligner tray
  • Use only lukewarm water when washing your aligner as hot water can warp the plastic
  • Periodically soak your aligners in a specialized aligner cleaning solution for optimized cleaning
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